Sunday, November 29, 2009

Allow me to reintroduce myself

My name is EXHAUSTED!!

That's really all there is to it. I was reading Kafka and listening to Yoshida Brothers and straight up passed out after I got off work. The most amazing thing I've found is, at least in my case, that after working 11 hours the USAP still exects us to go out and voulenteer. In fact it's part of what is taken into consideration for our bonus. That seems a little excessive.

"Okay, so we're gonna pay you, but we'll pay you more if you 'volunteer' and help other people ouy."

That bit doesn't sound insane, but when they include the part about working 9:30 am to 8:30 pm it still sounds decent, until you take into account that the other departments, save for the janitors, have hours that mean I either have to sacrifice sleep or skip out on work. It's not like I get to sleep a whole lot. I guess I could wake up at 6 instead of 8, work an extra 2 hours a couple days a week (on 4 hours sleep) oh wait.. no.. that would mean working 13 hours a day, sorry Antartica, I like ya and all, but I need some down time. My body doesn't like you as it is.

Oh well, what are ya gonna do.

I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna sleep til 8, work my 11 hours, drink some tea, read, maybe watch a movie, play some pool, or go out and see this place for what it is.... not the base, the surrounding area... a place where nobody goes, save for those few thousand or so people that are crazy enough to come down here for work every year.


notroberttowne said...

I hope there's no disease going around down there. We're illin' like villains here in the wonderful disease harboring environment of warm, moist southern california november.

Glacies Latrunculus said...

As much as this is an attempted experiment in a sterile environment for humans and humanoid organisms, yes there is always the rampant crud and sickness going around here... but not like disturbed, cause no one here is down with it