Thursday, December 17, 2009


Things that I miss list:

Night time
Video Games
Food that is in date
Good Beer
Good Pizza... and I never thought I'd crave pizza again
My Fam
My Friends
The Parkway
Buildings that aren't made of sheet metal
Private Bathrooms
Private Bedrooms
Privacy in general
Animals... they exist here but I can count the number of live animals I've seen on one hand

that's all for now, when more comes to mind, I'll make a new list.


annietj said...

I miss JAMES..... and you can hit the parkway soon, and drink good beer and eat good pizza, and make great pizza...we love you and I am very proud of what you're doing...And need more photos of whatever, box on way, it's soo full it's bulging. Hope it gets there without are you feeling?: Love u

Glacies Latrunculus said...

Goooooooood mom. Yeah, if the box explodes both me and the post office will be upset. 2 months left. It should be easy like pie, but not as delicious. Love -J-